Transnational Research Associates

Academic Reports Written in full by Art Madsen, M.Ed. / November - December 1999 / 87 pages

The Crucial Role of Information Management Strategies in Small Business Operations

A 10 page paper submitted to a prominent European University analyzing the information management dynamics of a small, home-based consultancy. It applies and dicusses known principles in the field of Management Information Technology and makes certain recommendations for internal changes.

Machiavelli: The Ends Justifying the Means

This undergraduate assignment consists of a brief discussion of THE PRINCE with a view toward elucidation of several basic concepts in political control and human behavior. The classic argument favoring "any" means to accomplish a given end is alluded to succinctly.

Investment Proposals

This document consists of a ten page analysis of how a range of investment proposals should be analyzed and evaluated within a firm so as to produce the optimal investment decision, thus maximing profit. Methods and strategies are discussed.

Inferential Statistical Analysis: The Bathtub Curve, Reliability and Safety

This is a serious statistical study, about 15 pages in length, complete with tables, correlational calculations and relevant conclusions. The study tentatively demonstrates that the classic bathtub reliability curve may not apply to inexpensive (or by inference expensive) automobile tires.


This ten-page study, with formal references, was completed in one evening for an impending deadline. Careful analysis of breakeven calculations provides insight into this useful tool in industrial management and manufacturing.

Miranda v. Arizona

Thi is an historical glimpse at the implications, legal and social, of the landmark U.S. Supreme Court 'Miranda' Decision. Rights of the Accused, it is concluded, are very much a part of U.S. Constitutional guarantees.

Muhammad, Messenger of Allah

This one-page "defense" of the Islamic belief-system was written in less than an hour for a tight deadline. It served as extra-credit for an undergraduate student from Saudi Arabia and is based on testimony from a distinguished professor at the University of Toronto.

Soft Systems Methodology: Kuwaiti Revenue Enhancement

A thirty plus page document, written at the Master's Level, applying all of the principles of Peter Checkland's SSM theory to the enhancement of revenue in the State of Kuwait.

Tentative Definition and Cost-Effective Implementation of Water Conservation Measures

This is a brief 2-page undergraduate document composed in about 90 minutes to meet a tight same-day deadline. It provides a tentative definition of Water Conservation, focusing on the advantages of reduced consumption, proper planning and management of this precious resource in the Far West. Cost-benefit analysis is briefly referred to within the context of economic development initiatives in Western U.S. water conservation zones.

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Note: For your convenience in reviewing current activities of TRA, recent Transnational Meeting Minutes are now hyperlinked herebelow:

December 21, 1999
January 14, 2000
January 24, 2000
February 11, 2000
February 24, 2000
These Minutes Are To Be Posted Soon
March 7, 2000 / Guthrie Office
April 7, 2000 / Guthrie Lounge
May 18, 2000 / MacLeod Road
May 29, 2000 / Guthrie Lounge

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Pre-Chartering and By-Law Revision Meeting, Sept 5, 2000 / Zuhl Library