Article I Name of Organization

The name of this chartered student organization shall be The Transnational Research Society of New Mexico State University.

Article II Purpose

The primary purpose of this organization shall be to foster, promote and encourage research and scholarship in the areas of transnational finance, commerce, marketing, business and entrepreneurship. Periodic meetings of undergraduate and graduate student members shall provide a wide range of opportunities for the exchange of vital information, internet data, published material, and professional insight related to the dynamic world of global enterprise. This association shall provide a platform for inviting distinguished speakers from prominent corporations, organizations, and enterprises located in a variety of locations in North America, Europe, Latin America, and Asia. Furthermore, it shall promote the ideals of ethical conduct and fair competition, and shall serve as a forum for formal and informal discussion of significant global business trends.

Article III Members and Membership

Membership qualifications shall include full or part-time graduate or undergraduate enrollment at NMSU, an active interest in global business trends, a willingness to conduct brief research projects for presentation, and an agreeable nature conducive to group harmony. No GPA requirements shall be imposed, other than the University’s minimal standards.

Members or prospective members shall (1) inform one of the three officers of the Society of their interest in affiliating, and (2) must be sponsored by an active member. A brief, confidential application form will be kept on file electronically in the Society’s data base.

Active, voting members of the Society must be full or part-time students at NMSU, enrolled officially in any of the University’s colleges, branches, or divisions, inclusive of Dona Ana Community College, or any of its satellite branches. Honorary members may be admitted to all functions of the Society and are entitled to express opinions related to Policy, Directorships, Amendments and other Procedural matters, but may not vote in elections of the Society’s three officers. Honorary members will have worked for no fewer than two transnational corporations and must possess no less than a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited university or college, in the U.S. or abroad. They must reside within a 100 mile radius of NMSU and be willing to participate, to the extent possible, in the Society’s periodic meetings, as advisors, in conjunction with the faculty advisor.

Article IV Officers and Directors

The Officers of the Transnational Research Society shall be: President, Vice-President, and Treasurer. The Society’s Directors shall be Director of Public Relations and Director of Corporate Interface.

The President shall preside at all meetings, establish the agenda and mediate as necessary during the proceedings. He shall appoint Active or Honorary members, as necessary, to perform all subsidiary tasks and duties pertinent to the society’s objectives and purposes. The President shall organize elections semi-annually and shall be the ultimate arbiter in the event of a tie-vote, or a dispute affecting the results of elections. Further the President shall serve as principal liaison officer with respect to all dealings with ASNMSU representatives or with the University. The President’s duties and prerogatives shall be subject to amendment by a simple vote of the official membership.

The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President. The Vice-President shall oversee the activities and projects of the Director of Public Relations and the Director of Corporate Interface, and shall report to the President on any significant developments related to their activities. The Vice-President shall maintain a roster, in hard-copy and electronically, of current membership, active and honorary, and be responsible for facilitating the nomination and application process for new members. He or she should also remain aware of the Treasurer’s Reports and be prepared to offer a brief summary of the Society’s financial status, in the absence of the Treasurer.

The Treasurer is responsible for collection of member dues, if any, on a quarterly basis. This may be accomplished in person, electronically or by U.S. or International Mail, as required. The Treasurer shall obtain ASNMSU funds on behalf of the Society and shall remain aware of the Society’s rights and obligations in interaction with members, the University and guest speakers. He or she shall present a status report of the Society’s Running Balance, Revenue and Expenditures at each scheduled meeting of the Society.

The Director of Public Relations is not an Officer of the Society, but is elected by a majority vote of the membership for purposes of ensuring a professional and proper external image of the Society in the eyes of the academic community. His or her election takes place at the meeting subsequent to the meeting at which Officers are elected. He or she is expected to publicize guest speakers and periodic meeting dates appropriately, and in accordance with decisions made during said meetings. A Quarterly Report should be presented orally to the Society and should cover all of the activities of the Director of Public Relations for the preceding three months. The Director may request funds from the Treasurer, in accordance with the pre-approved Annual Budget or on a Special Basis, subject to the President’s approval, for purposes of advertising or posting Society events.

He or she will also serve as press and media liaison in all instances where this may be required. The Director shall immediately report all media interface to the Vice President.

The Director of Corporate Interface, although not an Officer of the Society, shall be responsible for ensuring liaison activity between the Society and external Corporations. The Director of Corporate Interface is elected by a majority of the members present at the first meeting after election of the Officers. The Director’s duties shall include, but not be limited to, generating corporate contacts, inviting guest speakers, exploring avenues of interest to the Society through specific targeting of pre-identified companies and reviewing literature to determine potentially lucrative sectors, employment vacancies or professional options within global and multinational circles. The Director shall report on progress, general and specific, to the Vice-President.

Eligibility Requirements for Officers shall include full-time NMSU student status and minimal university GPA maintenance. Officer candidates may be from the Alamogordo campus, only if one or more of their courses are physically located on the Main NMSU Campus.

Officer candidates must be nominated by a Full Time Member of the Society. Their nomination shall be subject to review by The President who may, at his or her discretion, veto said nomination, upon verbal justification of his or her action to a quorum of the membership.

Election of Officers shall take place at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Society. A quorum (simple majority) of the membership must be present at the time of the election. Voting shall be by secret ballot, with the out-going President abstaining from the vote. A simple majority of those voting shall determine the winner. In the case of a tie-vote, the incumbent President shall cast the deciding vote. Elections shall be held once every six-months.

Special provisions shall be drafted for write-in candidates, whenever deemed appropriate, by a majority of those present. Such candidates must, of course, be members in good standing of the Society.

The term of office for all three Officers shall be six calendar months. The two Directors, elected by a majority of the membership, shall serve a period of six months, minus one week.

Should a vacancy arise due to resignation, prolonged illness, academic probation, or other circumstances, a secret ballot election, with a quorum present, shall be held at the first available meeting date to fill the vacancy. A majority of the voting members shall determine the new officer. The new officer shall fulfill the duties of the out-going officer for the remainder of the latter’s term.

Article V University Advisor

The University Advisor shall be selected by the current President of the Society, ratified by the members of the organization by simple majority vote, and shall serve for two consecutive six-month periods, thus assisting with the Society’s continuity and stability under two different Presidents. The Advisor, if he or she so desires, may renew his or her status upon mutual consent of the incumbent President and re-ratification by full-time members.

The duties of the Society’s Advisor shall be:

(1) to ensure compliance with all University regulations pertaining to Chartered Organizations;

(2) to assist in mediation of intra-group disagreements, if any, and;

(3) to oversee the direction that the Society may be taking over an extended period of time.

It is not expected that the Advisor shall be required to attend regular or special meetings, unless specifically requested to do so by the President. He or she shall be welcome, however, to attend all proceedings, but as a non-voting participant.

Article VI Executive Board

There shall be no Executive Board of the Transnational Research Society of NMSU unless and until the membership of the Society exceeds 20 Full-Time Members.

Should an Executive Board be established, its powers and functions will be determined by an Amendment to the present By-Laws, said Amendment being subject to the approval of a majority of the Society’s members. As stipulated in Article XI herein below, all of the Society’s full-time members must vote, either at a meeting or by proxy absentee ballot, for approval or disapproval of an Amendment to the present By-Laws.

Article VII Committees

Until such time as the Society’s membership exceeds twenty members (full-time) there shall be no committees, unless specifically appointed by the President upon ratification of a majority of a quorum of members present at any given meeting.

Article VIII Meetings

Regular Meetings of the Society shall be held in accordance with a schedule to be duly approved by a majority of the membership. Generally speaking, there shall be no fewer than one regular meeting per calendar month during the Fall and Spring Semesters, and no fewer than one regular meeting, each, during the Summer I & II Sessions.

Special Meetings may be called by any full-time member, upon advance submission of a proposed agenda to the President. The President may veto the suggestion of a Special Meeting if he or she deems the agenda to be inadequate, unless the Vice-President and Treasurer of the Society jointly override the President’s veto. All Special Meeting correspondence shall be forwarded, by the member suggesting such a meeting, to all three Officers of the Society no later than 2 weeks prior to the proposed meeting date. The Vice-President shall be responsible for notifying the Organization's membership of Special Meetings by e-mail.

A Quorum shall be defined as a simple majority of the total membership (full-time) of the Society.

Voting at meetings, whether on procedural matters, amendments, general elections, directorships, or policy, shall always be by secret ballot, with a Provisional Teller, responsible for tallying votes, selected by random name-drawing from a full list of the Society’s membership. The Teller shall perform his or her duties only for the one specific meeting during which such votes are being taken.

Article IX Finances

There shall be no membership dues until such time as the total membership of the Society exceeds twenty members. At that point, a vote of the majority of the total membership (absentee and present) shall determine the amount and periodicity of dues payable. Any modification of this provision is strictly subject to the rules set forth in Article XI herein below, governing amendment of By-Laws.

The Treasurer of the Society shall ultimately determine the specific banking arrangements to be made by the Society, in consultation with the President and Vice-President. However, during the initial six-month period of the Society’s charter period (February 25, 2001 to August 25, 2001), funds shall be kept on deposit at the Student Activites Business Office. Withdrawals are subject to two signatures: the Treasurer’s signature and either the President’s or Vice-President’s signature.

Article X Parliamentary Authority

It is not anticipated that highly formal proceedings will characterize the discussion portion of regular or special meetings, during which common courtesy and democratic values will prevail; however, the business portion of the Society’s meetings shall be governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. The President shall call the business portion of the meeting to order and shall similarly announce its adjournment, perhaps passing, at that time, the Chair’s authority to a guest speaker or to a specific member making a scheduled presentation.

Article XI Amendment of the By-Laws

As mentioned in Articles VI and IX herein above, amendment of the By-Laws of the Society shall be subject to a vote of the total membership, with a simple majority prevailing. Voting, by secret ballot, may take place either at a plenary meeting (with all members present), or at a meeting with merely a quorum present, provided that absentee votes are also counted by the Provisional Teller.

The procedure for submitting a proposed amendment of the By-Laws shall involve simple transmittal of the proposal to the Society’s President who will notify all Officers, Directors, and Full-Time Members, in a timely manner, of said proposal. A "timely manner" shall be construed to mean at least two weeks prior to a scheduled meeting of the Society.


________________President ______ Date

________________Advisor _______ Date